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University of York Library
Library Subject Guides

Learning Technology - Practical Guide


Available resources to assist with students during their time at University.

Learning Technology: a Practical Guide

How to use this guide

This site contains everything you need to get started with learning technologies and studying online.

Use the navigation bar at the top of the page for an introduction to the most important tools for your learning.

If you need any materials in an alternative format, or if you have issues or queries after reviewing these guides, please contact the relevant team.

Student Leaver Guide

Getting started with the VLE (aka Blackboard) and Troubleshooting Tips

Getting started


Key guides to help with common issues:

For more detailed advice and help with other tools:

Help and Support

"Help: Trending Topics" is on the Home page of the VLE. This has links to our student guides for the VLE.

Assist" tab within the VLE (left hand menu) links to academic and related support for your studies.


View our VLE Accessibility Statement to find out how you can adjust the site and contents to suit you.

The statement is also available on the VLE login page.


Use the navigation bar at the top of the page for an introduction to the most important tools for your learning.

back to the top buttonUse the Back to the top button on the right once you have scrolled down and want to get back to the top.

You can also navigate to the next page in this Practical Guide from the bottom of each page.

Tools by Team

Digital Education Team (DET)

The following systems are not owned by our team (the DET). Please use the below details to identify and contact the relevant team:

Reading Lists

Owned and supported by the Library.
For technical issues not resolved by our generic guidance that can be found below, contact

DISC – Digital Inclusion, Skills, & Creativity

e:Vision and SITS

Contact your Department’s administration team for guidance. To find their details, visit your department's webpage and select the Contact Us section in the navigation.


Contact Details:
The calendar within the VLE will not show your timetable, it will only show details that your teaching staff member has chosen to enter there (likely nothing, the Calendar is not widely used). Instead, follow the link below to see your timetable.

TurnItIn or Academic Integrity Tutorials

Owned and supported by Academic Integrity.

Contact Details: