Mentimeter is the University-supported web-based polling and response tool. It can be used by staff and students to add interactivity to teaching and learning sessions and presentations.
Mentimeter users can ask their participants to respond to questions using their smartphones, laptops or tablets. They can then show the collated responses on screen.
Your tutors might include Mentimeter questions in their sessions and ask you to provide a response either individually or in groups using a mobile phone or other internet-enabled device.
Access the mentimeter response site at and add an eight-digit code given to you by your tutor.
The code will usually be displayed at the top of the screen. You may also be given a QR code or a link to access the questions
The example below shows the results from a word cloud question. The responses are collated on screen so that the size of the words represent the frequency of the response.
Mentimeter allows for a range of different question types. Click each tab above to see the questions types.
It is usually straightforward to provide a response using your device by selecting from different options, adding text, or using clicks/points or sliders, then selecting ‘submit’.
You can learn more about using Mentimeter as a participant by checking the guides on Mentimeter’s ‘how to vote’ pages.
Select one or more options.
Choose options from a drop down list in order from first to last priority.
Use a slider to respond to a statement or question on a scale from low to high.
Add a set number of words in response to a question.
Type your response into a text box.
Select the ‘Open Q&A button to see existing questions from participants and add your own questions.
For guidance on how to create a Mentimeter account and use it to create your own interactive presentations, see the following Mentimeter at the University of York page.