Used by: English (also use MLA), History, History of Art, Music
(please note Music references should use single quotation marks in place of double)
The Chicago style originates from the University of Chicago, and is used in humanities subjects.
This guide is based on the 16th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, however, we will soon be making updates to reflect the guidance in the latest edition.
Chicago uses a footnote citation system.
In the text, a number in superscript1 is added after the information:
The reference is then given in the footnote at the bottom of the page. Give full details of a source the first time it is cited, and a shortened version including the author and title for subsequent citations. If the title is more than five words long, it can be shortened in subsequent citations.
See guidance below on when to include page number and URLs in footnotes.
The reference list at the end of the document includes the full details of each source so the reader can find them themselves. The list is organised alphabetically by author surname.
The information to include depends on the types of source - see the examples on this page.
This guidance applies to all source types.
First and subsequent footnotes:
1. Christopher Bartley, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy (London: Continuum, 2011), 5.
2. Bartley, Indian Philosophy, 7.
Reference list/ bibliography:
List authors in the order they appear in the publication.
First and subsequent footnotes:
1. John Peck and Martin Coyle, The Student's Guide to Writing (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 11.
2. Peck and Coyle, Student’s Guide, 13.
In footnotes, give the first author's name followed by et al. (the full stop is important!). In the reference list, list all author names in the order they appear in the publication.
First and subsequent footnotes:
1. Sarah Moore et al., The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook (Maidenhead: Open UP, 2010), 15.
2. Moore et al., Ultimate Study Skills, 20.
‘Ibid.’, short for Ibidem, meaning ‘in the same place’ is used in the Chicago Style in certain circumstances where a source is cited on more than one occasion, in place of a shortened version of a source’s details. ‘Ibid.’ should only be used to refer again to the source directly preceding the footnote.
The word is used in place of all material on the source that is exactly identical. For example:
Ibid. should not be overused and so attention should be paid to how source material is included in the text and footnotes to ensure it remains clear to the reader what material is being cited.
Quotations of word-for-word copies of another person’s work included in your writing must be clearly distinguished from your own words and ideas. You must also include the page number(s) in the footnote.
For short quotations, include it as part of your sentence. Give a brief phrase to introduce it and enclose it within double quotation marks “ “. Include the page number within the footnote, but not in the reference list/ bibliography entry.
For long quotations, format these as an indented block quotation.
Give the line number(s) for lines of poetry or a play script, for example:
In the Coward example, the name of the poem is given in quotation marks, as it is the title of a poem within a collected edition. The page on which the poem appears in the edited collection is also given, followed by the line numbers of the quoted poem. Note also, in the reference, the page number is moved before the publisher details, and ‘ed’. is replaced by ‘edited by’.
For longer quotations, use block quotation, without quotation marks, but clearly indent the quote to indicate these words are not your own. Also include a full stop to close the quote before the footnote number. For example:
NB: As the source has been cited previously, a shortened version of the footnote can be used.
For poetry, either indent the full quotation and left align, or if appropriate, retain the unusual spacing. For example:
Follow the advice above for information to include in the footnote and reference list.
It is important to give a page number in an intext citation in the following circumstances:
This might mean giving an individual page number or a small range of pages from which you have taken the information. Giving page numbers enables the reader to locate the specific item to which you refer.
Where no page or paragraph number can be given for a source, such as an online publication, ‘n.p.’ can be used to denote ‘no pagination’.
If you're synthesising a number of sources to support your argument, you can cite them in one footnote. For example:
Bedford and Holbeche, Kingsley, and Riley-Smith trace the origins of the Hospitallers to Jerusalem and 1099 if not earlier, though hospitals had been founded in the city before then.13
Sources should appear in the footnote in the order mentioned in the text or the order in which details from them were presented, with care not to cause confusion. Sources should then be listed alphabetically in the reference list/ bibliography.
If you are referring to a number of works by the same author, in your reference list/ bibliography you can replace the author’s name, after first use, with the 3-em dash — (this can be done in Word by pressing ctrl + alt + the minus sign on the number pad). For example:
Order the sources alphabetically by title when the author’s name is the same.
If you are citing the same person but individually and in co-authored works, you should write their name in full in the reference list/ bibliography for each source cited with different authors, for example:
It is important to use quality sources to support your arguments and so you should consider carefully the value of using any source when you cannot identify its author. For online sources, look carefully for named contributors, such as in the ‘about us’ sections. For printed material, try to locate authors in the publication/ copyright information which is often on the inside cover of a book or back page of a report.
If you can't find the author information, don't use ‘Anon.’ or ‘Anonymous’. Instead you could use:
In the reference list/ bibliography, the work would then be listed alphabetically by the first major word of its title, that is, the above would be listed under G. For example:
Knowing when a source was created, published, or last updated is important as this helps you to determine the relevance and reliability of the source. Sacred and classical works where dates are not given (precisely) are, however, also commonly used. For online sources, look carefully for created and/ or last updated dates on the page(s).
If the source doesn't give the date, but you can reasonably estimate it, put the date in [ ] to indicate this, adding a ? to emphasise any uncertainty, for example:
Alternatively, use ‘n.d., ca. 1919’ for no date, circa 1919.
If you can't find or estimate a publication date, use ‘n.d.’ for no date in place of the year.
A secondary reference is given when you are referring to a source which you have not read yourself, but have read about in another source. For example, referring to Jones’ work that you have read about in Smith. Avoid using secondary references wherever possible and locate the original source and reference that. Only give a secondary reference where this is not possible and you deem it essential to use the material. It is important to think carefully about using secondary references as the explanation or interpretation of that source by the author you have read may not be accurate.
If you must use them, use the following format:
Reference list/ bibliography:
NB: The Department of English ask that both the secondary source and the source in which you read about it are included in the footnote and reference list.
The Department of History ask that the footnote includes details of both sources, but that only the source read is included in the reference list.
How footnotes are included in your word count varies depending on departmental practice.
If footnotes are included, this doesn't mean you should leave out citations where they are appropriate, as references to source material are an integral part of academic writing.
Include the full details of the source, concluding the footnote with the URL.
The society was founded in 1924 dedicated to promoting interest in the notorious king.11
The reference includes the sponsor or owner of the site, which is presented first. In the example above, The Richard III Society are both the owners of the website and the name of the site, though these could be different in other cases. Individual webpages are presented in quotation marks, but titles of whole websites are not.
You should capitalise the first word, the last word and any major word of a book, journal article, etc. Also, capitalise the first word following a colon in the title. For example:
Pride and Prejudice
Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery
Contact your Faculty Librarians if you have any questions about referencing.
Examples of footnote and reference list entries for key source types.
Use these examples alongside the information given in the 'Guidance for all source types' box.
Reference list
Surname, First name. Title of book. Place: Publisher, year.
For a translated book or a book published in another language, see the examples below.
Reference list
Author Surname, First name. "Chapter title." In Book title, edited by Editor First name Surname, chapter page numbers. Place: Publisher, year.
Reference list
Editor Surname, First name, ed. Book title OR shortened title. Place: Publisher, year.
Reference list
Surname, First name, "Title of article / paper." Name of Journal volume, issue number (year): page numbers.
Normally, this format is used only for journals that do not have a print publication and are published only online, or that have a particular online version. For journals that have both print and online publication, use the referencing format for 'Journal article / paper (print copy)', even if you obtained your copy of the article / paper electronically.
Reference list
Surname, First name, "Title of article / paper." Name of Journal volume, issue number (year): page numbers OR paragraph numbers. Accessed month day, year. URL OR DOI
"Para" in this example is used to denote the fact the journal uses paragraph numbers in place of page numbering.
Articles such as ‘the’ are removed from the footnote and reference for newspaper titles. Where a newspaper’s location might be important to include, this can be given in ( ) after the name, for example Morning Herald (London).
Reference list:
Surname, First name. "Title of article." Name of newspaper/magazine. Month day, year, page number.
For a source without an author it is acceptable to use the title, or a shortened version of it, in the in-text citation.
Reference list:
Name of newspaper/magazine. "Title of article." Editorial. Month day, year, page number.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Surname, First name. "Title of specific webpage." Name of website. Month day, year. Accessed Month day, year. URL
Reference list/ bibliography:
Name of organisation. "Title of specific webpage." Name of website. Month day, year. Accessed Month day, year, URL
Examples of footnote and reference list entries for other source types.
Use these examples alongside the information given in the 'Guidance for all source types' box.
Enacted pre-1963 – include the regnal-year (year of the monarch’s reign)
Enacted post-1963
Reference list/ bibliography:
When included in full in a footnote the first time the legislation is cited, no additional reference entry is required.
The ‘c. 2’/ ‘c. 14’ refers to the chapter, the number of the Act according to those passed during the year of the monarch’s reign/ parliamentary session. If it might be unclear as to which jurisdiction the legislation applies, this can be given in ( ).
Archival material can include a broad range of different types of sources, such as photographs, letters, manuscripts, maps. The following advice is intended as a guide and should be adapted where necessary to include key information about your source. Consult examples given elsewhere in this guide for other format types which constitute archival materials to help you construct your reference.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Note: Date is the year or date range of the creation of the material. If the archival material is undated use n.d. in your reference to indicate no date.
If an older manuscript is numbered by signatures or by folios (fol. or fols.), these should be used in place of page numbers, after the item title. If you use page numbers, the abbreviations p. and pp. should be used to avoid ambiguity. If a manuscript collection has identifying series or file numbers, these may be included in a citation.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Use this format if including illustrations, for example in writing about children’s literature
Illustration caption (below image):
Reference list/ bibliography:
If you are reading an English language version of a book originally published in another language follow this example
Reference list/ bibliography:
‘Trans.’ is used in the footnote, but ‘translated by’ is used in the reference.
Follow this example if you want to refer to a book you read in another language
Reference list/ bibliography:
If shortening the title of a non-English work, care must be taken not to omit words that govern the case ending of a word in the shortened title.
If a named author is given use this at the start of the footnote/ reference, otherwise use the name of the program.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Include the type of resource at the end of the first footnote/reference list entry.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Jonathan Harvey is listed first as the writer. If unknown, start with the title of the work.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
The first footnote records the page cited after the ( ). In this example, it would also be appropriate to make reference in the text to specific details cited, for example, the date of the diary entry or paragraph number as presented in the online version.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
For reference works such as the above example, ‘s.v.’ means sub verbo, ‘under the word’, and is placed before the word or entry cited.
If page markers are not available on the e-book version you are using cite the chapter for specific references to the source.
Reference list/ bibliography:
If viewing an e-book using an e-book reader it is important to reference the specific version of the publication for this reader. If page markers are not available on the e-book version you are using cite the chapter for specific references to the source.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Personal communications do not need to be included in the reference list/ bibliography, but should be clearly cited in the text, either in the sentence or by including a footnote. Change 'email' to the relevant communication type.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
‘s.v.’ means sub verbo, ‘under the word’, and is placed before the word or entry cited
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Footnote: [Figure/table here]
Reference list/ bibliography:
Footnote: [Figure/table here]
Reference list/ bibliography:
If referring to an interview conducted by someone else that has been published in such as a newspaper or journal you can reference in the following way.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
You should cite a publication viewed in microform as per the type of source (book, newspaper, etc.) or you can refer to the actual microfiche record number and where it is stored. This is an example of a historical periodical.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
You should include the artist, the title of the piece (italicised), date of creation/completion, details of the medium and size of the piece, and the location of the piece. If you viewed the piece online, include the URL.
Reference list/ bibliography:
For more examples, see the Chicago Manual of Style entry 14.235.
To cite an artwork included as a numbered illustration in another publication, see the Chicago Manual of Style entry 14.158.
Note that these linked examples are from the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, while this guide uses the 16th edition.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
When included in full in a footnote the first time the legislation is cited, no additional reference entry is required.
The (H.L.) stands for House of Lords, for a Bill originating there. House of Commons Bills are denoted by (H.C.). The date represents the parliamentary session and the number is the number of the Bill.
Titles of Bills are not italicised in text or in the footnote.
Reference list/ bibliography:
To cite and reference the programme for a performance such as a play, dance or concert, use the following example:
Reference list/ bibliography:
The reference is for an authored contribution within the overall performance programme. ‘n. pag.’ in this example denotes no pagination, that is, page numbering.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
If you are citing from a prose play, give the page number(s) for the quotation.
If you are citing from a verse play, give the act, scene and line(s) quoted and separated by a full stop.
Prose play footnote:
Verse play footnote:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
These include the Bible, Talmud, Koran, Upanishads, and major classical works, such as the ancient Greek and Roman works. If you are quoting a verse or extract, you should include the detail in the text of the edition of the work you are using the first time you cite from it, with the book, and specific details. It is acceptable to use standard abbreviations for works, such as books of the Bible. It is not necessary to include a reference in your reference list/ bibliography for sacred works.
The first footnote is for the book 1 Corinthians, chapter 5, verses 2-3.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
This format is for when you read a more recent version of an older work, or a paperback version of a previously published hardback. In the reference list/ bibliography you give the information for the edition you are citing followed by the original publication details.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
When an edition other than the first is used or cited, the number or description of the edition follows the title in the listing. Wording such as ‘Second Edition’, ‘Revised Edition’ is abbreviated as ‘2nd ed.’, ‘rev. ed.’
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
The programme title is given in italics and the title of the episode in quotation marks.
Any facts relevant to identifying the item, such as episode number and director, should be included.
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
Reference list/ bibliography:
‘n.d.’ denotes that the particular page is undated
Reference list/ bibliography:
Use either the proper name of the author where known and the pseudonym in (). If not known, just use the X pseudonym. In-text, include the post in full in quotation marks, with other details to contextualise the post. In the footnote and reference list/ bibliography, just key information is then required.
Reference list/ bibliography: