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University of York Library
Library Subject Guides

Maths Skills Centre: a practical guide to maths & statistics



Resources and workshops introducing how to use statistics software. These guides focus on SPSS, RStudio and STATA.

Please contact if you have any questions about the accessibility of the resources included in this practical guide, or you require the resources in a more suitable format.


This session is for people who have never used SPSS before or who want a refresher. You will learn how to get data in, quick ways of cleaning your data and how to create graphs in SPSS.

Workshop Materials


This workshop will get you using STATA statistical software so you understand what the software is and the basics of the coding language used by STATA. In this introduction, you will look at data, clean data and run simple tests and graphs. No prior knowledge of computer coding needed to attend this session.

Workshop Materials


This workshop introduces the RStudio interface and gets you started with importing, managing and plotting data. You don't need to have done any coding before!

Workshop Materials