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Maths Skills Centre: a practical guide to maths & statistics

Numerical reasoning

Numerical Reasoning

Practice for numerical reasoning tests in graduate recruitment.

Workshop: Numerical Reasoning for Employability

This workshop explores how to answer typical numerical reasoning test questions and point you to some useful resources.

You'll learn practical methods for solving problems in the quickest way and have a go at actual questions from up-to-date employer tests used for graduate recruitment.

Browse the workshop calendar for the next session or work through the resources below.

Preparation for other pre-interview assessment

Numerical Reasoning tests are only one of the types of test set in Assessment centres by large employers - see the links below on other related tests, such as Verbal Reasoning and Situational Judgement tests. The Maths Skills centre can offer guidance on Logical Reasoning tests in a  one-to-one maths appointment.

Assessment Day

Visit the AssessmentDay website for free practice numerical reasoning tests. Register for the site with your University of York email address for access to additional tests.

You can complete the tests with or without time pressure, and obtain a grade based on your speed and accuracy. Tests come with a PDF containing detailed solutions.

Workshop: Numerical Reasoning Extension

This workshop includes the same general advice on how to approach numerical reasoning tests, with more advanced practice questions.

Browse the workshop calendar for the next session or work through the resources below.