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University of York Library
Library Subject Guides

Editing the Module Catalogue: a Practical Guide

Proposing changes

One of the most common things you'll want to do in the Module Catalogue is to change something. On this page we'll take a look at how.

Making changes to a module

Before you can change a module, you need to find it. From the homepage, select   Search the Module Catalogue

You can use any combination of the search controls. Results will be shown in alphabetical order.

Select a module to see details and available options.

An example module page including module summary

Unless there is already a proposal in place for the module, there will be three options to choose from:

Propose Change

The main option for modifying a module. Some departments will also have a Propose Correction option for smaller-scale changes. Be sure to choose the right option for your needs, as you can't switch later.

Propose Withdrawl

You will need to provide various details in order to withdraw a module. You can also use this option to suspend a module.

Use as template for new Module

As the name suggests, this allows you to create a new module using an existing module's information as a template, rather than starting from scratch.

Proposing a change to a module

There are potentially two main ways to propose a change, depending on the type of change you're needing to make:

Propose Correction

A correction is a small change to the text, usually correcting a typographical error or adding additional information without changing the overall substance or meaning.

In some departments, such smaller changes to a module can be enacted using the Propose Correction button. Changes made in this way require less formal vetting and so are likely to be made live quicker.

You can modify the following fields using Propose Correction:

  • Module Co-Ordinator
  • Module Summary
  • Programmes that Include this Module
  • Module Aims
  • Module Learning Outcomes
  • Feedback to Student
  • Indicative Reading
  • Professional Requirements

When complete, press the Submit... button to submit the correction for approval by a departmental Data Quality Editor. The system will check your submission and flag any errors that need attention. If there are no errors, you will be shown a summary of the module.

Select Confirm this submission to complete the submission to the Data Quality Editor.

Propose Change

This can be used for all modifications, except for a change in credit value, level of credit, or Independent Study Module — these will require you to create a new module, but you can use the Use as template for new Module option to simplify this process by effectively making a copy of the original module. Changes to the wider programme, such as type, duration, delivery, or programme restructure, can only be made outside of the Module Catalogue.

There are two types of change you might propose: minor modifications can be approved by the Chair of BoS, while major modifications will need to be escalated to the Faculty Learning and Teaching Groups. If you want to know the difference, take a look at our breakdown:

On selecting Propose Change you'll be prompted to give a reason for your change. This will help guide the people reviewing your changes, so provide as much detail here as you can. You can also use the comments box at the end of the proposal to provide even more detail.

Be clear about whether students have been consulted and which departmental meetings the proposal has been to or been approved at.

Fill in all the fields and sense check them before submitting.

You can Save progress at any time and return to the proposal to complete it at a later date. If you no longer wish to continue with the modification you are making to a module, your proposal can be deleted using the Delete button at the top of the screen.

When complete, press the Submit... button to submit the modification for BoS approval. The system will check your submission and flag any errors that need attention. If there are no errors, you will be shown a summary of the module. Select Confirm this submission to complete the submission to Chair of BoS.