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University of York Library
Library Subject Guides

Editing the Module Catalogue: a Practical Guide


Purpose of the Module Catalogue

The Module Catalogue is a tool for departments to submit their module details for approval at University level by the Faculty Learning and Teaching Groups (FLTGs).

There is a staff Module Catalogue where module data is entered and a student-facing Module Catalogue where finalised information is published online. This guidance is concerned with the staff data input side.

The processes carried out using the Module Catalogue are:

  1. Creation of a new module
  2. Change to an existing module
  3. Withdrawing a module.

Module Catalogue homepage

The Module Catalogue homepage is your starting point for most activities.

At the top there are links to the modifications policy, as well as details for how to get in touch with your QA contact.

The screen is split into two sections:

View items

With these options we can view (and modify) items that are already in the module catalogue:

  Search the Module Catalogue

Search for existing published modules to view, modify, or copy as a template for a new module.

  View single module proposals

Your in-progress proposals.

  Module Proposal Status Report

Search and view the current status of module proposals.

Create new items

This is where you go to create a new module:

  Introduce a new module

Propose the introduction of a single module.

Access and support

Access to the Module Catalogue is via the Authorised Registration System. Applications for access are approved by the Academic Quality (AQ) Team, who receive an automated email. Departments can only have two members of staff with Data Quality Editor (DQE) access. Approval of DQEs is only given to departments who do not already have two DQEs, and the staff member must watch the training video and confirm to their AQ contact that they understand the difference between major and minor modifications, and corrections.

Each faculty has a dedicated member of staff within the academic quality team:


User roles and permissions

There are four main user roles in the Module Catalogue. These roles are limited by default to your home department. If you need access to another department's modules, contact the Academic Quality Team.


The Proposer is the default user type for all members of staff. Any member of staff can log into the catalogue and propose a new module, or propose modifications to, or the withdrawal of, an existing module within their Department. All proposals are then submitted to the Chair of the Board of Studies (BoS) for approval. Automatic email notifications will be sent to the proposer at all stages of the approval process.

Department Editor

This level of access is designed for Departmental Administrators/Managers and admin teams. It gives the user oversight of all proposals within the department; from those that are in progress, to those which have been submitted and are pending approval. Department Editors can work on and edit other users' proposals within their department, as well as their own proposals. All proposals are then submitted to the Chair of Board of Studies for approval. Automatic email notifications will be sent to the Department Editor at all stages of the approval process, including a final notification email to confirm that the module has been processed by the SITS Assessment Team.

Data Quality Editor

Each department has two Data Quality Editors (DQEs) who have advanced access to approve corrections to modules. Proposers in departments can propose corrections via the module catalogue, which will then be submitted to, approved, and sent directly to SITS, by the Data Quality Editor. Those with the user role of Data Quality Editor can also propose, approve and send correction changes directly into SITS themselves.

Chair of Board of Studies

The Chair of BoS status in the Module Catalogue can approve all modifications submitted by Proposers and Department Editors within the department, but cannot approve proposals which they have submitted themselves. It is therefore recommended that Departments nominate at least one other member of staff with suitable authority within the Department to have delegated powers to approve module proposals.

When a proposal is submitted for approval, it will be sent to Chair BoS by automatic email notification. The email will give the name of the module and the link to the module in the module catalogue.

Following the necessary consideration and departmental approval processes (ie. Board of Studies meeting), Chair of BoS can then approve the module (for minor modifications) and it will be sent directly to the SITS Assessment Team for upload to SITS, or approve and refer to the University (for major modifications requiring University-level approval). For guidance regarding minor and major modifications that require University-level approval, see details of the modifications policy and/or consult your AQ contact.

Modifications referred to the University are sent to the AQ Team, who receive an automated email. The relevant AQ team member then considers the proposal, liaises with the department if more information or clarity is needed, and then takes the proposal to the FLTG Chair to discuss approval. Once approval has been granted, the AQ team will approve the proposal through the module catalogue and it will be sent to the SITS team for upload.