You should include a data access statement in your publications to describe where the supporting research data can be found.
Data access (or data availability) statements are required by many research funders, publishers and the University's Research Data Management Policy which states:
5.8 Researchers must include a data access statement in their published research outputs which clearly describes how and on what terms any supporting data may be accessed.
Linking your supporting data to your publication will enable your data and paper to be reciprocally connected, ensuring you receive credit for your work.
You can find further guidance and example data access statements on the citing data page.
When you have deposited your research data for sharing in an external data repository (e.g. a discipline-specific or funder recommended repository) all the University requires is a dataset (metadata only) record in PURE, not the data itself.
If you:
library staff will create a PURE dataset record for you, based on the one in the external repository (an example). Your PURE record and your researcher profile on the York Research Database will then automatically update.
You should record the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your shared dataset in White Rose eTheses Online with your deposited thesis.
The DOI (or, alternatively a URL) can be added in the Related URLs field:
The summary page for your thesis will show the link to the supporting research data (an example), enabling its discovery.