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Higher Education Essentials: a Practical Guide


Higher Education Essentials

Everything Students Need to Know About Studying at University

You’ll probably have some idea about what to expect from a university - otherwise you likely wouldn’t be looking at this page! It’s nevertheless a big step to studying at university level and there might feel like a lot to take in. In this guide we’ll cover the basics of what you need to know about the ways and means of how a university works, some of the key terms to understand and some of the main features of your academic life during your degree.

These pages will be most useful for students applying to university or who have recently started their degree. They are focused on what studying looks like at university, but we've included links to sources of support on other aspects of your degree experience.

In the guide we’ll use examples from the University of York, but a lot of the information would apply if you’re studying at another university. Just remember that some departments at York or other universities might have different expectations to what’s covered here; we’ll give you an overview, but you’ll need to add context from your specific department or institution.

You might like to work through the pages in order, or jump to a particular section using the quick links below.

What is a university?

An overview of how a university works, from the teaching and research it offers to the buildings and services you can expect

How will I learn?

An exploration of some of the ways in which you'll learn during your degree, from contact hours to independent study

How will I be assessed?

A look at what assignments you'll complete at university and how these contribute to your final degree

What support is available?

An introduction to the support services and contacts you can expect, which will help you make the most of your study experience

On each page you’ll find boxes like the ones below highlighting definitions, tips or further information. Above all else remember that there’s a lot of help and guidance available to you, whether that’s through your department, college or other support services. You’ll get to know who to ask as you move through your degree, but always seek help when you need it; you’ll find that you’re not the only student who might have questions, so it’s helpful to everyone if you feel able to ask and share your thoughts.

Learning points from this page

A summary of the key learning points from the page, allowing you to choose whether you want to skim the most important information or work through the full page in more detail.

Key terms explained

Definitions of the most important terms mentioned on the page

Pro tips

Hacks and shortcuts to simplify your university experience

Spotlight on ...

Further explanations of key concepts or important things to know