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University of York Library
Library Subject Guides

Generative AI: a Practical Guide

Generative AI


Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has brought a range of opportunities (and some issues). On these pages we explore the world of generative AI tools and some of the considerations you need to bear in mind when using them.

Digital Creativity:
Using generative AI tools

Our main guidance on generating content using AI tools.

Searching for information:
AI tools

Advice for when you're using generative AI as an information source.

Acknowledging and referencing generative AI

How to acknowledge and reference the use of generative AI in your work.

University AI policies and guidance

You'll need to think carefully about your use of AI, and make sure you're acting responsibly and appropriately. The University has put together some explicit guidance for particular groups:

There are also things to consider if you are looking to use generative AI outside of a University context. Careers and Placements have put together some guidance for students around using AI as an applicant that explores attitudes towards using AI as part of applying for jobs.

In the video below, we explore what generative AI is and some of the ethical questions around its use.

Forthcoming training sessions

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