In addition to books and research resources, you will need to find business and market information, financial data and news sources.
See also:
Library Resources
Please note that the University has access to the core Statista database. You will not have access to Statista Global Consumer Survey and Statista Company Database.
The link above allows for personalisation via your University account. If you have not registered before you will need to do so the first time that you use the link. Select Passport as the product to access during registration.
Alternative Euromonitor link that does not allow for personalisation as it gives access based on the University's IP range. No registration is required.
The company's own corporate website is a good starting point for finding company information and data. The corporate website, developed for people who are interested in the business, usually contain annual reports and other financial information.
Over the last year, the Library organised a series of training sessions with all the databases you can see below; BankFocus, CSMAR, Refinitiv Workspace, WRDS (inc. Compustat, CRSP and ExecuComp). If you were unable to attend the any of the sessions or would like to watch them again, recordings of all training are available in the 'Replay Content' area of the Database Training Library 23/24 VLE site.
For access: Undergraduates should use the link above for the day pass, academic staff and postgraduate students can register for a full account.
Subscription provided by Economics and Management. Please contact with any questions or problems with access. The Library does not provide support for this database.
Subscription provided by Economics and Management. Please contact with any questions or problems with access. The Library does not provide support for this database.