As a Computer Science student, you are expected to find and use high quality literature. You'll need to use a range of different sources and demonstrate your ability to find good results in order to impress your tutors and to develop your research skills.
Books can be a great place to start your reading around a topic.
Computer Science books are located in the SK section on the third floor of the JB Morrell Library. Many books will also be available online as e-books. Look for the links in YorSearch, under the View It section of each book.
All journal titles are listed on YorSearch, and can be found by searching the journal title.
If you don't have a specific title in mind, you can browse journals in your subject area on Browzine. Journals are organised by field of research, such as:
To start a more detailed search for articles and other research evidence, you'll need to use online databases. These are collections of resources that allow you to search for articles from hundreds of different journals at the same time.
Access to the full British Standards is available through British Standards Online (BSOL). Please note that we do not have access to the unadopted ASTM, ISO and IEC standards that can also be found on BSOL.
The FileOpen plugin is required to open downloaded PDFs in your PDF reader. FileOpen is available on University PCs. For other devices and for further information and advice see the British Standards Institution site (under DRM- Digital Rights Management). Please note that you must open downloaded PDFs in a PDF reader not in your browser.
Only British and British adopted standards are included in the University's subscription. You will not have access to unadopted ASTM, ISO and IEC standards.