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Play Your Way Into Production's Educational Resource Package

Collaboration and Teamwork

Logo University of Yo  SIGN's logo in purple and black with a glitch-looking on the left.On the right, in purple coloured font, a text reads "Screen Industries Growth Network".    One to One Development Trust logo in red and black colours.

Educational Resource Package

 Competency: Collaboration and Teamwork          Duration: 50 minutes approx.


In today's dynamic and fast-paced screen industries, successful collaboration and effective teamwork are essential components for creating compelling and high-quality content. This module is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to thrive in collaborative environments within the film, television, and digital media sectors.

Let’s recap on how the game showcased collaboration and teamwork:

In Scenario 7, Transport Errand, Hazar (Sound Assistant Trainee) was presented with the opportunity to help their department by fetching some equipment that was crucial for the team to keep up with their tasks. Out of the three given choices, the player had two options that relate to teamwork, 1) accepting the task of driving the production van to collect the gear or 2) sorting out a courier.  In both options they successfully complete the objective of getting the equipment from town to the set.



This module will provide learners with an understanding of the significance of collaboration and ideas to foster the value of teamwork within the context of the Film and TV Production Industries. Through collaborative problem-solving exercises, individuals will explore different approaches to build trust within a team. By integrating diverse experiences and perspectives alongside their contributions, learners will find themselves at the starting point of creating a solid, reliable, and equitable network.



Section 1 – All for each, and each for all (20 min)

In an industry where each project is a collective effort, cultivating solid collaborative skills becomes indispensable. Collaboration promotes an environment where diverse perspectives converge to develop innovative ideas and projects. New professionals have come to understand that effective teamwork is not merely about harnessing individual strengths but also about navigating creative differences and communicating efficiently. By embracing collaboration, new professionals contribute to the success of their projects and forge networks and partnerships that are crucial for long-term growth and sustainability in the hectic and competitive field of Film and TV Production.


Naturally, collaboration comes with its own set of challenges. The complexity of merging different creative perspectives can lead to conflicts, requiring effective communication and conflict resolution skills. The fast-paced nature of the industry, coupled with tight schedules and differing artistic visions, can sometimes prevent a smooth flow in a team’s collaborative efforts. Additionally, coordinating endeavours across various roles and departments may pose logistical challenges. Navigating these obstacles demands adaptability, patience, and a clear understanding of one's role within the collaborative process. However, overcoming these challenges is pivotal in allowing  emerging Film and TV professionals to thrive.

Activity: In teams of no more than 6 people – if you’re an individual learner, you might want to ask a friend to join you for this game – your mission is to decipher a hidden (very famous) 6-word phrase in this code breaker, in 6 tries or less.


When you open the link, you will see a window with 6 rows, with blank tiles that account for one letter each like in the image below. Copyright (c) 2022 Hannah Park

The six words in the phrase include no abbreviations and have no spaces in between, so all six words are continuous, like in the example below. You might want to create a strategy so all members of the team have equal opportunities to engage and contribute. After you guess the phrase or if you run out of attempts (whatever happens first), answer the questions below.After each guess, the colour of the letter tile will change to show how close your guess was to the phrase. 

For example, a first attempt could be:

A row of tiles with a letter in each tile, which read: FAKEITUNTILYOUMAKEIT, with the first tile with the letter F in yellow, the A letter in green, the K letter in grey, the EITU letter in yellow, the N in grey, the T in yellow, the IL in grey, the YO in yellow, the U in grey, the M in yellow, the AK in grey, the E in  yellow and the final IT letters in grey.

- The green tile means that the letter A is in the phrase and in the correct place.

- The yellow tiles mean that the letters F, E, I, T, U, T, Y, O, M, and E are in the phrase but in the wrong place.

- The grey tiles mean that the letters K, N, I, L, U, A, K, I and T are not in the phrase in any place. 

Hint: From this example, we can deduce that the phrase only has one letter A, by the looks of it, as the first A was greened out, but not the second!


  1. Did your team guess the phrase?

  2. If you did, what do you think helped your team to complete the mission?

  3. If you did not, what do you think could have been useful to decipher the phrase?

  4. Did everyone in your team have the opportunity to engage equally? 


Section 2 – Teamwork makes the screen work! (15 min)

Teamwork is not just about completing tasks but fostering an environment where creative ideas can flourish, collaboration is encouraged, and everyone is aligned towards the common goal of producing exceptional screen content. For this reason, from pre-production to the final stages of post-production, the ability to foster open communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision becomes paramount. Embracing the collaborative nature of the industry, new professionals can leverage the strengths of their team members to overcome challenges, generate innovative solutions, and ultimately deliver high-quality productions.

You’d be surprised how often teamwork is hindered because members have no understanding of the expectations of their role. Comprehending the implications of your role is a fundamental aspect of effective teamwork in the screen industries. This clarity not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall success of the project. 

Here's how a clear understanding of roles can foster effective teamwork:

  • Efficiency: When each team member has a clear understanding of their specific role and responsibilities, tasks can be executed more efficiently. There's less room for confusion about who is responsible for what, reducing the likelihood of duplicated efforts or tasks falling through the cracks.

  • Alignment: Clear roles help ensure that everyone is aligned with the project's overarching goals and vision. Team members can work towards a common objective, understanding how their individual contributions add up to the larger picture.

  • Specialisation: In our field, projects often involve a variety of specialised roles, from cinematographers and costume designers to Health & Safety supervisors and intimacy coordinators. Understanding one's own role allows individuals to focus on their area of expertise, bringing their unique skills to the table and contributing to the project's overall quality.

  • Collaboration: Understanding individual roles also facilitates effective collaboration. Team members can anticipate each other's needs, coordinate efforts, and provide support where necessary. A collaborative environment enhances creativity and problem-solving.

  • Accountability: Clear roles promote individual accountability. Team members are more likely to take ownership of their tasks when they understand how their contributions fit into the larger project. This accountability ensures that everyone is working towards common deadlines and objectives.

  • Reduced Conflicts: Ambiguity about roles can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. When each team member knows their role and the roles of others, it minimises the potential for disputes arising from overlapping responsibilities or unmet expectations.

  • Adaptability: Knowing your role also enables team members to adapt to changes more effectively. Adjustments to the script, shooting schedule, or creative direction are common in the dynamic field of screen productions. When individuals understand their roles, they can adapt swiftly without compromising the overall project.

  • Professional Development: Understanding your role provides opportunities for professional growth. Team members can identify areas for skill development within their specific roles, contributing to their career advancement and the overall expertise of the team.

Activity: After watching the clip below, discuss what your role in Film and TV Production is or, if you have not made up your mind about what area you want to specialise in,  what roles you would like to explore. Write this down!


The power of union ad by De Lijn 



Take this short quiz to test your basic knowledge of teamwork and collaboration in the Screen Industries!

What did you score? Were you surprised with any of the answers?




The ScreenSkills Team Working Competencies guide has useful, concise information on what you’ll be able to achieve with effective teamwork and what is crucial for you to understand the intricacies of it.