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University of York Library
Library Subject Guides

Skills Guides


Digital skills training

On this page you'll find information about our skills training events, as well as links to other training offered by the Library & IT Services, and the Academic Skills Community...

Forthcoming training sessions

Forthcoming training

You can use the filters below to explore skills training from the Library, IT, and Learning Services, including sessions for staff and researchers. To book onto a session, follow the link in the session information below, logging into the booking system when prompted.

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Taught students
Find & research
Organise & analyse
Create & communicate
Being critical
Groupwork & collaboration
Academic Skills Community
Academic Reading
Academic Writing
Communication & Collaboration
Self Development & Reflection
Digital Skills Training
Digital Wednesdays
Creativity Lab
Learn to Code
IT Essentials
Maths Skills Centre
Numerical Reasoning
Open Research
Other session types
Face to face
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Other sessions

We also run a number of specialised training sessions for staff and research postgraduates:

Academic Skills Community

The Academic Skills Community is the University's approach to learning and communication support designed to help students advance their academic, language and interpersonal abilities.

Academic Skills Community workshops take place regularly as informal face-to-face or online sessions on the following skills areas:

Academic Reading

Academic Writing

Communication & Collaboration

Self Development & Reflection

Data Skills (via the Maths Skills Centre)

Digital Skills (via the Digital skills training programme)

Digital skills training

Digital skills training

Our Digital skills training is open to all members of the University.

We have a broad range of content as part of the programme, including our Digital Wednesdays sessions, and themes like Being critical and Learn to code.

Use the filters on the training list to see the sessions currently available.

Digital Wednesdays

Digital Wednesdays

Digital Wednesdays are a range of sessions on various themes outside of our core selection of training. They may have a specialist focus, or they may just be plain out there! The only essential is that they're on a topic that's remotely digital, and at least a little bit fun.

Open Research training

The Open Research team offer training to postgraduate researchers and staff through the Building Research and Innovation Capacity (BRIC) programme.

To book a session go to: SkillsForge - Postgraduate Researchers or LMS - Staff (login required).

Next sessions:

Show details & booking for all selected sessions

If you need information, take a look at the:

You can also contact the team by email to:

  • ask a question
  • request training for your department, research group, staff and/or postgraduate researchers

Alternatively, book an Open Research Online Appointment to discuss your individual needs.

Where to find our training

Most of our teaching this year will be delivered either online via Zoom, or face-to-face in either LFA/144 or the Creativity Lab (LFA/103) — both rooms located in the Library's Harry Fairhurst Building:


Digital Wellbeing course

Digital Wellbeing: a free online course
Digital Wellbeing
a free online course